
Alice (Ali) Rose (Christina Aguilera) is a young small-town waitress with an especially strong voice. In order to escape her poverty, she quits her job and goes to Los Angeles. After a fruitless day of searching for jobs in her new home, she happens upon at a burlesque bar and becomes enthralled with the whole concept. She tries to persuade the owner, Tess (Cher), to let her go on stage but Tess won’t hear her out. Ali meets the friendly bartender Jack (Cam Gigandet) and starts to waitress for him because she knows this is where she belongs.
Later, Tess auditions Ali and hires her as one of the dancer to replace a newly pregnant beautiful dancer named Georgia (Julianne Hough). One night, Nikki (Kristen Bell), the most famous dancer in this bar, gets drunk and is not allowed to perform by Tess, so Ali takes her place. Nikki cuts the music out of jealousy, but Ali impresses everyone with her own voice. She becomes the new star of the bar and earns it a reputation.
Ali had some dates with a successful businessman named Marcus (Eric Dane) before she realizes that her true love is Jack, with whom she has shared an apartment since her hotel room was robbed. Meanwhile, running out of money, Tess is worried that she has to sell the bar to Marcus, who intends to tear down the club and build a skyscraper. Finally, Ali helps Tess solve the problem by selling the air rights of this place to another businessman. Tess has financial resources and Ali stays at the bar as its most valuable star.

source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burlesque_(film)

Published in: on May 1, 2011 at 4:19 pm  Leave a Comment  

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